Linked projects
This research into the water-energy-food nexus will be conducted by inter-disciplinary groups of scientists based at 19 universities and research institutes to tackle these challenges.
The three research projects funded through the Living with Environmental Change sandpit will be led by the Universities of Glasgow (us, WEFWEBs), Manchester and Southampton with support from STFC's Scientific Computing Department. The projects are studying the nexus within the UK, while recognising the external pressures, so that the expertise and knowledge can be transferred in an international context.
The partner projects in detail are:
Stepping Up
Led by Dr Alice Bows-Larkin, University of Manchester
Partners: Universities of Surrey, Exeter, Abertay Dundee, Glasgow, Loughborough University, Cranfield University and HR Wallingford.
The STEPPING UP project is a collaboration between sustainability researchers at universities and research institutes across the UK. We are working to understand the interactions of water, energy and food sustainability and security in a changing world.
Stepping Up means testing whether a small innovation that improves sustainability for the Water-Energy-Food nexus is also a success at a larger scale. When rolled-out across a town, region or country, are the benefits still there?
For more information about this project you can visit their website by accessing the following link:
Vaccinating the Nexus
Led by Prof Paul Kemp, Director of EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Infrastructure Systems, University of Southampton
Partners: University of Bath, University of Nottingham, UCL (University College London), Aberystwyth University, Loughborough University, HR Wallingford, School of Oriental & African Studies
Vaccinating the Nexus is a prestigious £1.6M EPSRC Programme Grant that will focus on improving the resilience of water, energy and food systems. It will investigate how nexus ‘shocks’, such as extreme climatic events that cause flooding, drought, energy shortages or unsustainable infrastructure development, may help inform the development of more environmentally sustainable and secure systems.
For more information about this project you can visit their website by accessing the following link:
STFC Scientific Computing Department
The STFC Scientific Computing Department provides large scale HPC facilities, computing data services and infrastructure at both STFC Daresbury Laboratory and STFCRutherford Appleton Laboratory. The department also includes world leading experts in a number of scientific fields including computational chemistry, computational engineering, materials science, band theory, computational biology, advanced research computing, atomic and molecular physics, numerical analysis, software engineering, data services, petascale storage, scientific information and scientific computing technology.
For more information about this project you can visit their website by accessing the following link: